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12 August 2014


It is not sharing that is caring, but the worth of what is shared. I am by the day, exposing myself to very good knowledge that is very fundamental to personal, national and worldwide welfare. 
In this regard, I equally have taken a keen interest in sharing what I chance on; with much emphasis on the worth aspect of it. 
For the past two weeks, I have kept myself immersed in a book by Dr. Juanita Bynum (Prophetess) titled “No more Sheets.” It was really a worthy investment (time, money and any other)
It’s a book I recommend for all well-meaning individuals.  
Let me tip you on just a glimpse of a worthy opinion by the Prophetess on what a perfect dating should and must be…
Enjoy reading

1. Never start talking about marriage on the first seven dates

2. If someone for whom you have a strong attraction ( or vice versa), invites you to an evening event, make it a group thing

3. Never sit at home idle, waiting for him to call you

4. Allow him to pursue you. Remember that a real man will

5. Keep your first seven dates filled with educational and cultural things. This will stimulate the intellect and not the sex drive

6. Don’t go out on a date when its past 9:30 pm. It is a booty call

7. On a date, let the man be every sense of the word. Do not start with, “let me help you” spirit.

8. While at a breakfast, lunch, or dinner table, you tell him what you want on the menu and allow him to order for both of you. It’s also a way for him to get his respect.

9. A potential mate should not call your home after midnight. Especially when in bed. Reclining brings on a different aura. Sit up and stay focused. If he chooses to call after midnight, then tell him to call back at 8 or 9 A.M. Let that be your morning conversation everyone knows you are focused in the morning.

10. Never allow a man to blow his horn for you. Let him come to your door, ask for you properly, and escort you to the car. Anything could happen to you while coming out of the house. You need to feel like he’s your protector.

11. … Be careful not to become too touchy feely and “sloppy agape.” He does not have to come into your house. Just because he bought dinner doesn’t mean you owe him a kiss, a pat, or a feel. All you owe him is a “thank You.”

12. Allow him not to call you pet names early in the relationship. He might dismantle your posture for you to become a commonalty too soon.

13. Don’t indulge in sexual conversation on your first seven dates-like constantly making comments about the way you are built. It’s called “the big hype-up to lay you down!

14. On first dates, dress conservatively because, remember, the attention must not be drawn to any part of your physical body. When you dress naked, you leave nothing to the imagination and you cause him to never tap into the real person you are!

15. Insist on his meeting your family and friends. Any man who starts out by turning you away from your friends may have ulterior motives attached. You being set up for the big kill, and there will be no one there for you to fall back on.

16. If a man invites you to his home for any reason at all- no matter the reason, always take a friend. Remember you are walking into his territory, where he rules. “That’s just like a mouse walking to the throat of a lion’s mouth thinking he’s going to turn around and walk back out; mind you, the lion hasn’t eaten in a while.”

17. Be careful of men who become uncomfortable giving you their home or personal cell phones. 

18. Be careful of those instead of calling you, are rather returning your calls

19. If it’s just a friendship, then on the first two or three dates, the bill should be shared. If he is pursing you, then the bill should be paid by him.

20. Never date a man who even looked as if he was going to hit you in the heat of a disagreement- because later on in the relationship, he will! If he ever hits you, you better believe he’ll do it again. 

21. Never discuss you financial status with a man early on in your relationship. And never ever accept money from a man or ask him to assist you in your financial affairs. Remember that he is not Jehovah Jireh, your provider.

22. Carefully consider this, Men are projectors and women are receptors. In your decision to have sex with a man who does not possess a godly quality, you will contract something that is deadlier than a disease. 

For more, grab a copy of Juanita’s “NO MORE SHEETS”

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