Easter, a time for retrospection and introspecting the times and journey of JESUS CHRIST - FELIX'S CORNER

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3 April 2015

Easter, a time for retrospection and introspecting the times and journey of JESUS CHRIST

Image result for jesus on the cross and mangerHappy Easter to all my cherish readers. The saving effect of the saviour’s BLOOD, I ask for you ALL. A great period like this deserves an accompanying retrospection and introspection; for it boasts enormous moral lessons the human race can better its life with.


 Easter is all about Jesus Christ. The day is actually a time for remembering his journey across the winepress, all in search of solutions to man’s sinful nature. This is not all, he actually restored unto us the very birth right that was not only stolen, but sold by our father and mother; Adam and Eve to the enemy the very day they taste of the forbidden fruit.

“This has given US, once more; access to Heaven”

He trodden the winepress alone and none was with him. His snow(ish) white robe (garment) has been stained with our sins (Isaiah 63:11)


Jesus Christ actually did not come to live and die for the fun of it, but his death was one with a purpose. His actual mission is to affect ALL individual lives with his TIME on earth.

So the question of concern is, how has this wonderfully led live affected your very one?

He dead vicarious death (Romans 6:23), the benefit is our very salvation.

 It must be noted with all keenness that, Jesus Christ was a strategic man; so from the very beginning to the climax of his death, he led a strategic live.

For a proper introspection, let’s consider some silent periods in the lives and times of the Saviour of the World (John 14:6)

He had a manger birth: It is not about where you were born, who birthed you or what transpired at your time of birth; but WHO you were born. So before you act, live or question your very existence, first seek to know WHO you were born and live it!

Jesus had a Visitation of wise men and an unfruitful one by a threatened King Herod: There are two classes of people who might have witnessed your birth, a wiseman and a certain King Herod. The former would shower your with all he 
 has to see you live your dream and mission on earth, but not the latter. Why? He feels threatened by your very birth. He sees you a major contender to his reign. He would go all out to see your mission unfulfilled. But the Lord is your helper!

Little Jesus in the Synagogue: The next remarkable thing on the timeline of the saviour’s time on earth should be, His time with elders in the synagogue at age twelve. At such a tender age, he marvelled all present with the depth of explanations, and wisdom he gave to question posted him. Dearly cherish reader, Let no one despise your youth, none your humble beginnings (1st Timothy 4:12). Explore every stage of your assignment in life with this mind-set, “I can do it”

Preparation is vital: After the synagogue scenario, the Holy book was silent on what Jesus did till the very commencement of His ministerial life (assignment). Any life that is mission focused needs a preparation. Jesus prepared himself, so do you also need to prepare yourself for the very assignment ahead of you. You can’t jump the gun dear! (Matthew 20:20-23)

Jesus searched for his John the Baptiste: Though his calling and mission was a great one to live; He subjected himself to be baptised by John the Baptise. Dear Jesus! Look for your John the Baptiste, and when you find him, you must subject yourself to his baptism. Acknowledge him, for he paved the way for you to takeover. The wisest man of his generation, King Solomon said, life is a cycle; whatever that is today, has ever been some times and ages past. Whatever you’re called to do dear, someone has gone ahead, seek to learn and study them, for your time would surely come to explode! Look for your JOHN THE BAPTISE!

#before every Jesus, there was a John the Baptiste!

Jesus searched for a twelve disciples: His ministerial life was heralded by his search for the gallant twelve who helped him through his journey. You need people to walk you through your assignment life. If Leadership is a continuum, then there was an initial delegation of duties. Someone needs to understand why YOU are here for them to take your mantle and continue with your good work even in your absence. To paraphrase the very words of Rana Tata, “If you want to walk fast, then walk alone. But if you want to walk afar; want in company of others”

Jesus fed five thousand with (Mark 8:4-9)…: Leadership is about creating abundance out of nothing. He created abundance out of seven loaves of bread and some fishes. How did he do it? He first asked for what was available and worked the magic with it. Remember, he didn’t do it in a vacuum, he asked for what was immediately available. A Jesus leadership satisfies first of all, His subordinates and followers, before self. In our ministerial live, let people prey on YOU, don’t   instead be predators.

He calmed the storm (Luke 8:23-24): His live again thought us a vital lesson, wherever we are and lead, let’s be leaders to calm the storm. Not the other way.

He washed the feet of His disciples: Leaders are symmetrically two types: those that serve (servant leadership) and those that are served (bossy).

Out of the disciples, came the betrayer (Matthew 26:48): Remember the best person to give you out is the friend of your closet. The enemy seemingly has no trace of you until your Judas leads the way. Remember this, don’t always seek what the enemy think of you, but rather; what the seemingly closet friend thinks you for. The enemy is a household one (Micah 7:5-6). Judas is an enemy within!

He restored Malchus’ ear (John 18:10): Don’t fight the enemy; the glory field is an enemy field. They are expected to be around…but rather would urge you close to the dream. Don’t even think of pleasing the enemy…he is never pleased! One might have thought after restoring Malchus’ ear, Jesus could have been spared! The enemy can be a kill or a key, depending on what you make out of him.

Peter denied Jesus (John 18:25): You would be denied because saviours are to save, not to be saved. Therefore, if friends deny you at any point of your life; don’t feel dejected, you don’t always need to be saved by them, otherwise you miss the mark.

 Image result for jesus on the cross and manger

In between, carry your cross!!!

Your death isn’t everlasting, it is but for a period. Don’t in other words, remain where you fell. Get up and move on…Psalm 37: 24 “Though he fall (righteous), he shall not be utterly casted down…”

Jesus didn’t forever remain in the grave, he resurrected after a period. You don’t have to be utterly casted down in your times of difficult. You have to RESURRECT to ascend your Throne of GLORY!!!



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